10 Of The Most Far-Fetched And Crazy Conspiracy Theories Of All Time
There are plenty of conspiracy theories out there, for example: I’m convinced my wife is actually a robot put on this earth with the sole purpose of nagging me.
Really though, I know she’s human and I’m thankful for it. There are however events in history that may not be all that they seem.
I’m talking the big stuff, the most popular celebrity icons, people of great authority and even some of the most significant moments in history. There’s always talk of the ‘Illuminati‘ and its supposed control over the course of events that shape the world we live in. Some people take this stuff very seriously and truly believe that we’ve been conned into thinking something that’s not true. There are arguments that are so convincing, they start to make you seriously question whether the stuff you know about the world is actually true.

This is why I’m thankful for the Internet because for every genuinely believable conspiracy theory out there, there’s always one that seems so far-fetched, you can’t understand how people can genuinely think it’s true. My reaction to these is always the same:

I’ve compiled a list of the craziest ones doing the rounds, see what you make of these!
1. The ‘Biebs’ is a lizard
There aren’t many people that don’t know who Justin Bieber is, even I do and as you can imagine- I wish I didn’t. According to some people, Justin Bieber isn’t the pop sensation he’s widely known for being. Nope, instead, he’s actually part of an elite group of reptiles who are able to transform into human beings and together run the world by influencing various industries and groups in society. I promise you I’m not making this up!

2. The Earth is actually flat
People take this one very seriously. There are numerous cults and sects that label themselves as “flat-earthers” and truly believe that we are all being lied to and the world is in fact flat. My question is where do all the oceans go?!

3. Robot death-sharks exist
There are those that strongly believe the Israeli government has developed GPS-equipped sharks. This has come about because of a series of shark attacks off the coast of Egypt in which multiple people were killed.

Sharks aren’t known to actively seek out humans as we don’t appear on their food chain. Many shark-related deaths are attributed to the deadly predator mistaking humans for seals or similar animals. But is this all a lie? Have Israel shown their hand and revealed that the tax-payers money is directly funding killer fish…
4. Obama can control the weather
Allegedly, Former President of the United States Barack Obama is part of the X-men. Ok, maybe he’s not part of an elite group of super-mutants. But, there are people that believe that he was able to create storms and scenes of extreme weather in order to deflect attention away from the White House in times of scandal. President and master of the weather, that’s one powerful man.

5. Lots of people are alive… that are supposed to be dead
Hitler is probably the biggest name on the list. This theory’s been running for a while and it’s quite hard to get behind purely because of the fact that if he were still alive he would be 129 years old. Which would be impressive! It goes even further than whether his heart’s still beating too- Some people see him as being personally responsible for events such as 9/11 which is pretty bl*ody far-fetched! Others believe he lived well beyond the fall of his regime during the 1940’s and eventually died in South America at the grand old age of 94.

Other famous names on the list include Tupac Shakur, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, Princess Diana and Michael Jackson.
6. The moon’s not real
It’s a hologram, no wait it’s an optical illusion… maybe it’s just a helium balloon a child let go of years ago and is yet to float back down to Earth. Yep, despite the fact you can physically see it with your own eyes most nights, people see the Moon as nothing more than a sham… A sham I tell you!

7. Queen Elizabeth is a flesh-eating monster
Yes, you did read that right. British historian Hubert Humdinger suggested that the head of the Royal family is actually a cannibal and this is one of the reasons she’s lived for so long. So not the fact that she has access to the best medical care in the country then…

8. Dinosaurs helped build the pyramids
If you can tame an elephant and force it to carry heavy equipment then why not a T-Rex? Exactly.

According to professor of Egyptology Nabir Al-Sammud, this is firmly believed to be true. Imagine a T-Rex trying to pick up a building block with those tiny little arms, ha! This has all come about because of a pyramid discovered in the Ukraine which dates back to the Jurassic period.
9. We’re all living in the Matrix
Did you ever watch the trilogy and think “that could happen”. Well, you’re not the only one. There are those that are convinced that everything we see, touch and feel isn’t actually real and we’re all just part of one big simulation. Supposedly there are billionaires who are willing to fund research into how we can escape. I don’t want to escape if it’s anything like the films!

10. Remember the ice bucket challenge?
If you took part you might’ve thought you were doing a great deed, raising awareness for ALS (Motor Neurone Disease)- but no. You were actually cleansing yourself in preparation for the biggest human sacrifice in history. And do you know who’s behind it? Satan himself.. well, apparently.

It’s safe to say there are some pretty crazy conspiracy theories out there. These are just the tip of the iceberg! That’s if to say icebergs are actually real and not giant submarine camouflages… they do move after all! Hey, I bet there’s someone out there that believes it. Have you got any sneaking suspicions that something or someone might not be everything they seem? Let me know in the comments!