Sad Sacks Who Can’t Seem To Quench Their Thirst
The thirst is real, and I’m not talking about drinking some juice. If you’re unfamiliar with the term “thirsty” in the way that young people are using it, think of a parallel to desperate. While desperation has always been a part of society, being thirsty is a whole new level.
The thirst is running deeper and deeper as social media quickly consumes every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s posting a status updating us on your current emotional well-being looking for sympathy or pandering to get as many “likes” on the picture of your car, being thirsty is becoming all too common.
When She Asks Why You Texted Her At 3 am

There is no curfew for thirst. It’s not like when you were 14 and had to be in your house by the time the street lights came on. In fact, thirst seems to escalate even more once it gets dark out. It’s too bad that Mcdonald’s has to be the voice of reason on this issue but were thankful someone said it.