Pictures That Are Literally Making Us Question Our Entire Lives
Life's unknowns can really throw you a curveball. How much do you remember about the things you come across on a daily basis? Whether it's a lot or a little, coming across new or unknown things can really mess with you. Some of these things can even make you question your entire life. Be prepared to have your mind blown by these life-changing photos.
Walking On Glass? No Way

It looks like the largest mirror in the world, but it's because of the illusion. This creates an intense reflection from the shallow surfaces of the water.
A Painting Coming Right At You

Amazing artwork right there. Even the guy standing there looking at the painting makes this pretty trippy to look at. It's unique to see the face from the painting peak out and paint the person on the bottom. Art museums need to display more paintings like this.
Elephant Bananas

With these many bananas, it would have taken weeks to make this into an elephant. This would be pretty cool to see in person, but the downside is that the bananas could go yellow the next day. Let's hope they don't rot to the point where it looks like one big turd.
Under The Sea

Ever seen the inside of a wave before? You're looking at it. That's just a combination of the perfect tide with clear water, and giant plagues of seaweed, ew.
They Are Color Coded For A Reason

Sure, this might be a fan of Game Of Thrones, but there's a reason behind the sticky notes. All the notes you see in each book details the death of each character. Essentially, it's all the deaths from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. Can the final season come sooner than later?
Stranger Things With Egg Yolks
There's a good chance you've never seen this when making eggs. This looks like an indicator that the egg wasn't fertilized properly, but I'm no eggs-pert. Something like this would make one cool science project. But really though, this just makes the 'who came first' debate much more complicated.
Lava Skull

From the looks of it, this actually does look like a lava skull, but the photographer just chose the perfect moment to capture this picture. How cools is that? That's something you don't see often. I'm not a big traveler, but I always did want to check out a volcano... from the safety of the water.
Waves That Look Like Postcards

For you Minecraft fanatics out there, this one is for you. Sure, the waves might resemble the game, but here's why. Across the sea, waves from two different directions meet to create the illusion.
Old McDonald Had A Farm
Fun fact: chickens can float like ducks. You can argue with your science teacher about this because here's the proof. Either way, it's kind of funny have the thought of chickens swimming in a pool. The next thing farmers will do is start swimming races for their hens.
Block Of Wood That Looks Like Fire

So this is what you find in Oscar the Grouch's garbage can. Really though, it's just a block of wood with a side of epoxy resin. The orange-lava color appears on the block of wood as soon as the resin drips onto it. As cool as this looks, that would make one awesome science project.
Simple Solution To This Situation

It's not the end of the world when this happens. Once the Fob on your car handle pops off, the key is still accessible. Hopefully, this person actually has the key on them so they can get into the car. If not, well, you're going to have to call up AAA for this one.
An Earthquake Did This

You might think this was done on purpose, but it wasn't. The train tracks are aligned like a slinky due to the aftermath of an Earthquake in Norway.
Knight Of The Penguin
Now, this is funny and cute. In 2008, Norway had a special ceremony for little Nils Olav. Yes, that's right, the penguin had its own ceremony where it was knighted. Seriously, Canada could learn from this. They can simply knight a beaver or a moose for being so Canadian.
Bikes Can Levitate
Talk about capturing a great moment in a matter of seconds. He looks like he's floating on water, but it's just him jumping off the deck with his bike. There's a good chance he dipped into the water with the bike, with a possible chance that his chains rusted up real quick.
Black Hole House

Nope, that's not a black hole. It might look like the end of the world is near, but not at all. Construction workers did this as an incredible demonstration of when a house is torn down. Hollywood might call up and ask to keep this house for a future movie on the world coming to an end.
Fly Like A Bird
A murmuration of starlings took flight at the best time possible. Starlings took the form of a giant bird while being targeted by a bird of prey. This would make such an awesome painting to hang in your house. With the sun rising behind it, it doesn't get any better than this.
The Sound Of Music

I'm pretty glad I grew up in the age of tapes and CD's, because there's no way I would have trusted myself with a vinyl record. It seems too easy to scratch them up and I feel I would have broken more than one as me and my siblings argue over which one to play next.
First of all, stop laughing. Second of all, this is an example of what nature is going to do when the robots take over. When we start to abandon all of those old cell towers when the next wave a technology comes through, you can bet our children's children will think that they're just very progressive types of trees.
That Seems Like A Tripping Hazard

This is a prime example of what happens when you let your interior decorator go too far. Sure, this looks very nice, but if some old lady isn't tripping over it, it's going to be a little kid crying when this guy scares them. That just doesn't seem worth the hassle.
Hitching A Ride

If you can't count on your mom for a ride, who can you count on? This is incredibly cute and really sets the standard for every parent out there. We all need a little help now and then, and when all else fails, you know kids will go to their mom, no matter how old they are.
Weather Report

Ok, this officially needs to be in every hotel ever. Sure, I could simply open my curtains to see what the weather is like, but why turn my head like a sucker when it's all laid out for me on the trip to the elevator? This is the new standard for when I book a hotel room.
Multi-Purpose Bench

This looks like something out of a cartoon. Isn't this the move of the typical friendly giant, where they simply rip up the ground around them to craft the perfect bench to sit on? I don't know who they hired, but this is an absolute work of art that I'd be tempted to sit on.

No, I will not apologize for that sad yet totally necessary joke. This is the kind of pun most comedians dream about coming across. This is why you should always wash and inspect your fruits and vegetables, because I can't imagine a worse thing to bite into.
Who Lives Here?

Based on everything I know about mythical tree-dwellers, this is either a fairy, an elf, or Slappy Squirrel. I will never understand how people can create anything the least bit artistic, considering a typical game of Pictionary ends will me curled up in a ball in tears.
Let The Beat Drop

So when I saw that the Vatican had these marble-colored speakers to help them blend in, I immediately started questioning what plays over those speakers. Sure, the Pope does some public addresses from time to time, but are their like, concerts at the Vatican?

While I'm sure we are all aware that windcicles are not an actual thing, there's really no other way to describe these things. I've seen icicles grow on an angle before, but these winds forced the ice to literally melt sideways. Needless to say, I won't be vacationing there anytime soon.
The Bigger, The Better

This needs to be adopted by every government so that we don't have to continue fumbling and stumbling through our wallets. The Mexican government introduced new bills that go up in size as the amount increases. This is both genius and a serious space saver for those of us who aren't exactly flush with money.
Looks Like Chocolate
The unwritten rule of the forest is 'don't just put anything in your mouth,' but this mushroom is making me question everything I learned in the scouts. I mean, sure it could be poisonous, but it could also be chocolate, so it's hard to tell which direction I should go.
Slow Snow Flow

If you've never had to deal with a heavy snowfall, just know that I am extremely jealous of you. It's pretty terrible. You're basically trapped indoors in the freezing cold. However, when the snow finally begins to melt, sometimes you're treated to a sight like this.
The Towel Mystery Unsolved

Bed Bath & Beyond is known for the way they stack towels. Well, here's the place to find out the mystery behind its perfection. What's really underneath the towel facade is foam. Yup, that's right, the foam is used to make the towels look so authentic and comfy.
The Making Of A Basketball Court
This makes me incredibly uncomfortable. It looks naked. I've seen what a basketball court looks like when a pipe breaks, and all the wood gets warped, but even that looks better than this monstrosity. I couldn't even bring myself to dribble on it.

This is the level of thriftiness I hope to obtain one day. This shopkeeper was not investing in two separate signs, so instead went and bought themselves so extra large Scrabble tiles. Now all they have to do is move the 'N' from one end to the other. Genius!
A Pie For A 3.14

Grade 3 math teachers are shuddering at their students who don't understand this. One of the basic math lessons we all learn that we almost never apply in our daily lives is that pi is equal to 3.14 and then an infinite number of digits. If that's not a mouth-watering fact, I don't know what is.
Never Seen This Before

Rechargeable batteries used to be all the rage, but USB rechargeable batteries? Game changer. Thanks to technology today, we can save a couple of bucks and help the environment. One downside to this is that the wire to charge the battery looks like it takes up the whole thing.
Natural Magic Trick

No, that piece of cardboard is not levitating. It's actually just positioned behind the draining grate that looks like a shadow underneath. It's a pretty wild optical illusion that could only happen after a powerful storm ripped through the neighborhood on garbage day.
When You Siblings Steal Your Clothes
So, a couple different things went through my head when I first spotted this. There was the Spiderman meme where the two spiderman's (spidermen?) are pointing at each other. But then I was reminded of how my sisters would steal each others clothes and end up accidently matching.
Pretty Colors For A Market
Welcome to the Chatuchak Weekend Market. Located in Bangkok, the tents make it look like one big rainbow. The scenery makes this even better since it has a tourist feel to it.
Just Build Around It

I'm all for respecting nature, and have to give it up to these homeowners who didn't want to disturb mother nature when they were building their house. That being said, this has to affect the resale value of the house. I mean, it can't be easy to park your car in this garage.
This Cool Sunglasses Cleaner
I'm officially getting this sewn into every piece of clothing I own. Apparently you aren't just supposed to use the bottom of your shirt to clean off your glasses (who knew) so this coatmaker had the bright idea to have this little patch added.
Someone's Pumped
I'm just not feeling the excitement. How often has anyone actually exclaimed "Amazing!" It just sounds so forced. Clearly, whoever was in charge of making this card just took the 5 most overused congratulations phrases and smashed them together and called it a day.