People Who Definitely Thought They Spotted A Celebrity And Have The Pics To Prove It
Ever see a celebrity and think “Oh my god, that’s Vince Vaughn” at the grocery store? Only seconds after you take the photo and post it on social media, you suddenly realize it wasn’t really them and it was just their doppelganger all along. It’s a crushing blow to the heart, but that still doesn’t stop people from taking a quick pic. Imagine spotting Queen B shopping somewhere you wouldn’t expect her to be?
George Clooney’s Half Brother

We’re 90% sure that’s Jake Gyllenhaal, but that kind of looks like George Clooney’s long-lost half-brother. But we all know this isn’t the real George. I mean, why would be at a bar with a bunch of Canadians? He would have dropped “eh” in every line of his movies.