Family Photos That Aren’t Mantel Material
Say cheese!
Our parents have so many photo albums to the point where there's a big pile of them sitting in their basement. Looking at them brings back fond memories, but then there are families whose portraits are totally bizarre. From face swaps to being in photos strictly in spirit, these families decide one photo was probably enough.
One Strange Family

Would you look at that? One son finally came out of the boredom of their bedroom! It appears as if this family has found their replacement for their son who they believe is going down the wrong path. Being a teenager can be so awkward, much like this failed family picture.
Kids Are Difficult To Handle

Trying to take a family photo at the beach sounds like a great idea, but the results went unexpectedly for this particular young family. The babies even look like they're in the middle of a gymnastics performance. We're pretty sure that the babies are okay and same with the parents.
Terrifying To The Human Eye

Face swapping an old family photo has major consequences. This is terrifying to look at since this family looks like they're from a horror movie. Heck, even the kid on the right looks similar to Ellen Degeneres.
For The Love Of Vodka

At first glance, it looks like this family loves their vodka more than Alex Ovechkin. Why any family would pose with a vodka bottle is anyone's guess. Bols Vodka actually comes from the Netherlands, but even though it's not Russian, this family still shows their support for their favorite liquor to drink!
Annual Family Photo

This dad wasn't interested in swapping out his costume year after year, and that's pretty commendable. At least the girls are having some fun with. On the other hand, the son doesn't look too impressed dawning a girls costume. Sometimes, you have to make a sacrifice all for one photo.
I Mustache Ask You A Question

Who is this family? It makes you question why anyone bothers with Face Swap altogether. Why would you want your kids outfitted with mustaches well before the early stages of puberty? The results are horrifying using Face Swap these days.
What's Up, Dummy?

This family must have a strange connection with R.L. Stine. Whoever decided to put the dummy in the photo is a genius. You barely notice it with the amount of hair in one photo. The dog isn't even paying attention, but the cat is clearly looking for a way out of this.
Life After Giving Birth

Well, that sums up giving birth in one photo. As much as we should be happy for this family's bundle of joy, you better hope his wife doesn't find this on social media. Sure it's funny and cute, but you don't want to be the highlight of the night on the 11 PM news.
It's That Bad

It's not all bad. The face of the baby makes the dad look like an infant version of the great Homer Simpson. At least the wife didn't get her face swapped.
Being There In Spirit

This is a pretty impressive optical illusion that clearly no one saw happening. It's amazing what the right shirt and the right placement can do for a photo. I tried looking for dad's legs, but it doesn't really matter. You know they're sending this to all of their family and friends.
Whoever Smelt It, Dealt It

Say it ain't so. Your mom or your grandparents wouldn't be too pleased getting this for Christmas. This dad is awesome on all levels. He has a great sense of humor, and he knows how to have fun with his boys. By the way, doesn't the dad look kind of look like Joey from Friends?
Minnie Mouse Horror Flick

Okay, so when your mom finds out about Face Swap, this is the result you'll get — a family photo that looks like the dad and daughter are some strange mouse-like offspring.
The Replacements

That's one way for aspiring indie rock bands to create an album cover. Kid you not, Vampire Weekend had a random girl on the cover of their Contra album. Using someone else's family that's technically not yours is a great way to reminisce about long lost vacations you never had. It shouldn't be a surprise that you would see this at a flea market.
This Bridge Is A Perfect Family Photo Spot

It's not the best idea for families over five. Clearly, this bridge isn't all that stable, and didn't make for the best family photo possible. They should probably never consider doing this again. Maybe a view in front of a nice lake would be better than this disaster.
Wedding Photo

This is a family we can all learn from. They're all excited about their family members big day, and what better way to calm the nerves than by doing a funny switcheroo.
Height Doesn't Measure Family

Talk about taking after your mother's side of the family. If the girls got their dads height, all three of them could have had lengthy careers in the WNBA. Either way, this is so awkward to look at. It's all the different size subs you could get when you're at Subway.
Out Of Options

For a family that doesn't have a timer, that's a clever way to make sure everyone in the photo is included! You can see the dad's reflection thanks to the mirror the daughter is holding up. This would be a best-case scenario for any family who wants everyone to feel included.
Family With One Face

Imagine plastering this photo all over the house? Do you think anyone in your family will notice? At some point, someone has to take a good, long look at this photo to remember how young Uncle Jack looked before he started going bald. This is just one big face swap of the same guy who suspiciously looks like Beans from Even Stevens.
Struggles Of A Parent

Leave it to this mother for making a dark, but humorous, photo of her kids. That pretty much sums up the life of a parent in one shot. There's nothing wrong with it since it does show how kids can be little troublemakers while mom just wants to have a glass of wine to herself.
The Other Son

We'll consider this an April Fool's prank. The sons probably asked one of their friends to tag along for some fun with their photo shoot. If you want to startle your parents and have them asking some serious questions, this would be the perfect prank to pull off.