Are These The Most Romantic Movie Moments Of All Time?

Love is great, isn’t it? All those big, warm, mushy feelings swirling around inside of you making you feel like you could dance the night away or take on the world with your one true soulmate loyally at your side… too much? Okay, fair enough. But love is pretty wonderful, and whether you’re a hopeless romantic or a self-confessed cynic like myself, we all enjoy a little indulgence when it comes to love every now and then, especially when it comes to our number 1 guilty pleasure; cheesy, romantic movies.

1. Casablanca (1942)
How can I possibly make a list of top romantic moments in movies without putting Casablanca first? I can’t, so I haven’t. This scene between Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman is absolutely Iconic. I’m still kinda mad that she never got on that plane with him.

2. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
This gets me every time. George is so desperate to win the affections of the lovely Mary that he promises to lasso her the moon! Which is made even sweeter by the fact that later on in the movie, Mary creates a children’s book entitled George Lasso’s The Moon. So sweet!

3. Dirty Dancing (1987)
Who could forget this classic “coming of age” movie? When Frances, affectionally nicknamed “Baby” meets Johnny while on vacation with her family they embark on a raunchy journey together and they create the most iconic dance routine of all time, which pretty much results in Baby becoming a woman.

4. When Harry Met Sally (1989)
The ULTIMATE “Will They Won’t They?” film. Harry & Sally spent a car ride together and never spoke again. Then became best friends. Then became lovers. Then never spoke again. And then Harry gatecrashed an NYE party just to give a big romantic speech about how in love with Sally he is despite all her massive flaws… swoon!

5. Ghost (1990)
Oh Em Gee! Patrick Swayze is an actual ghost! A ghost who can’t cross over to the other side because he feels the need to protect his one true love, sob! Such a beautiful, touching movie with an equally beautiful soundtrack. It even made me almost want to take up pottery.

6. Titanic (1997)
What a movie! This scene is literally the reason I gave my mom a heart-attack every time we go on a boat because I immediately run to the bow, fling my arms out and scream “I’M KING OF THE WORRRRRRRRRLD!”. I also make my sister pretend to be Jack… she hates it.

7. The Wedding Singer (1998)
I never thought I’d be including an Adam Sandler movie in a list of most romantic moments, but here we are. Drew Barrymore’s face when she realizes that “Robbie” is the one singing to her over the intercom says it all. Also the song “I Wanna Grow Old With You” is BEAUTIFUL!

8. You’ve Got Mail (1998)
Not only is it this incredible movie based on the life of a quaint bookshop owner, it also stars Tom freakin’ Hanks! I tear up every time these two seemingly mortal enemies discover they had been falling in love with each other via e-mail this entire time. Shopgirl and NY152 4EVA <3

9. Bridget Jones’ Diary (2001)
God bless Bridget Jones. My heart was in my throat when Mark Darcy vanished out of her apartment after reading her diary filled with less than desirable comments about himself… and then my eyes completely flooded when it turned out he’d just left to buy her a new diary! It’s the pefect chick-flick.

1o. A Walk to Remember (2002)
The no-good village bad boy falls in love with the do-good daughter of the village reverend… and she has terminal cancer. My favorite moment in this movie is when Landon drives Jamie out to the state line so that she can literally be in two places at once. A beautiful, pure movie!

11. The Notebook (2004)
Where do we even start?! Two young kids from completely different backgrounds who fall in love against all odds, effectively dragged apart by a disapproving mother and don’t meet again until years later. Don’t even get us started on the ending when we realize it’s Noah reading to Allie all along. *sobs*

12. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Eternal Sunshine is basically a movie about a relationship that was so volatile and horrific that the two people involved actually had to erase each other from their own brains permanently. Talk about drastic! But despite being erased completely from memory, these two eventually re-meet and still end up together. That’s cosmic love right there.

13. P.S. I Love You (2007)
Gerry dies of a brain tumour, and knowing his wife Holly wouldn’t be able to cope, he sort of helps her from beyond the grave via letters he wrote for her before passing, helping her to eventually deal with her grief and get used to a life without him. Nicholas Spark , take a bow!

14. Music & Lyrics (2007)
Ah, Hugh Grant, Britain’s one-trick pony. There’s just something I love about the relationship between him and Drew Barrymore’s character Sophie in this film. Especially at the end when he gets up on stage and sings Don’t Write Me Off Just Yet as an apology to Sophie. Who doesn’t love a bit of an American/Brit romance?

15. Up! (2009)
Never has a movie turned me into such a huge, messy puddle of emotions as quickly as Up did. What a rollercoaster! Just incase the first 10 minutes wasn’t emotional enough- they hit us with the note from Ellie which Carl finds at the back of their “Adventures” book right at the very end. HEARTWARMING.

16. Tangled (2010)
And last but by no means least, Tangled. Despite Rapunzel having hair with magical healing powers which she could use to stop Flynn (or Eugene) from dying, he cuts it all off and sacrifices his own life so that she can finally be free. Seriously, this is just another level of romantic.

So I hope that’s helped to give you the daily dose of lurve we all so desperately need, and for any of you fellow cynics out there I hope this has reached some of the iciest parts of your hearts and gave you a little tingle. Do you have any favorite romantic moments in movies that haven’t been mentioned in this article? Comment on Facebook and let the world know… let’s spread the love ladies!