7 INSANE Things That Fans Did That Took Their Obsession Too Far
We all have our heroes, but some people seriously need to learn when to stop…

It’s important for us all to have people to look up to. And in the age of today, we’re spoilt for choice. With people feeling more empowered than ever and more willing to just be themselves, our favourite famous people are making us have something to aspire to be.
That being said, there is a level of fan-girling that’s deemed appropriate (mild social media stalking, fashion taste influence and standing outside the stadium’s back door for a selfie are all okay) but it isn’t always a positive to be able to pry into another’s life. It can lead to us knowing a hell of a lot (or thinking we do) about someone we’ve never known or met and only adds fuel to the fire. There are consequences that come from social media’s obsession with fame and as a society, we’re latching onto the mania.

Perhaps you’re on the border line to becoming a bit too attached to your fave star, but trust me, you definitely aren’t as cray-cray as these people. Take a look at these seven totally INSANE fans that will be ‘stanning’ their heroes till the day they die. And perhaps if you’re obsessing a bit too hard, this’ll help you take a step back and chill…
1. Superfan turned Superman

Herbert Chavez fell in love with Superman aged five. Now 35-years-old and from Calamba City, Philippines, Chavez has had a whopping 19 surgeries over 16 years including nose jobs, skin whitening, lip liposuction, jaw realignment, pec implants and abdominal implants to become a real-life Clarke Kent.

Chavez has spent 300,000 pesos ($5000) on his surgery and now spends his days walking the streets, teaching kids good morals. Super shocking!
2. This fan has 29 Miley Cyrus tattoos

Mega Miley fan, Carl McCoid, spent nearly £3000 on tattoos relating to her songs, albums and pictures of her face all over his body. The 42-year-old from Bridlington, East Yorkshire, said he became obsessed with Miley whilst getting over his divorce.

‘I got my first tattoo of Miley after I was divorced in 2010, but it got to the point where it was getting obsessive.’ Since Miley labelled the tattoos ‘ugly’ and ‘creepy’, Carl has had a change of heart and aims to get them all removed over time. Ouch! But we can’t help but agree with you Miley, that’s creepy.
3. A crazy fan purchased Justin Bieber’s water bottle for $624

When Emma Philips, a 16 year-old girl from New Zealand, got the chance to go backstage with Justin Bieber, she saw an opportunity. Bieber drank a sip from a bottle of sparkling water, disliked it and put it in the bin. Emma seized the bottle from the bin to later sell on NZ site TradeMe. The bottled sold for a whopping $624 to the parents of a Justin Bieber obsessive. Crazy!
4. This Angelina Jolie fan changed her entire face to look like her

Sahar Tabar is so obsessed with Angelina Jolie that she had some extreme surgery to try to look like her. Tabar has had her cheekbones sharpened, a nose job and lip injections. She uses piercing blue eye contacts too.

5. This Jessie J fan broke her leg to be like Jessie

A crazy obsessed Jessie J fan BROKE HER OWN LEG to look like the singer. The teenager tracked down 24-year-old Jessie’s phone number after she broke her foot last year. She sent Jessie pictures of her broken limb and sent multiple obsessive texts including one saying ‘I will do anything to be just like you.’ Yeah, we’re creeped out by this.
6. A Jared Leto fan CUT OFF THEIR EAR and posted it to him

I’m not kidding. Leto said “Someone cut their ear off once and sent it to me. That was very strange. A whole ear. The Van Gogh move. The note just said, ‘Are you listening?’ I never knew who it was, who’s missing their ear out there.” WTF?! “I poked a hole in it and wore it as a necklace!” Leto added.

Leto later proved the story by posting a photo of the ear to his Instagram account, with the caption, “Are you listening?”. INSANE.
7. This girl tattooed ‘Drake’…onto her forehead

This woman shaved her eyebrows in preparation for the huge ‘DRAKE’ tattoo she got from a Los Angeles tattoo parlour. The unnamed girl went viral after the tat and news even got to Drake himself who was completely shocked by the act.

‘The guy who tatted it is a ****ing ***hole. You should lose your job and never do tattoos again.” We agree, Drake!
So Acidheads, did you enjoy our list of absolutely mental fanatics? Do you feel better about your level of obsession with your hero now? Well, rest assured, you can’t possibly be as mad as these people. What did you think was the craziest fan act? Comment on our Facebook post and let us know, and don’t forget to share this article with your family and friends!