25 Hilarious & Pretty Strange Things You Can Relate To If You Grew Up With A Sister
*Points at ugly character on TV and say’s ‘that’s you’*

Growing up with sisters is somewhere between the craziest, most fun loving years of our lives and the most emotionally and physically draining.
WW3 would break out at least once a week and you’d want to kill them 90% of the time- but you also wouldn’t trade them for the world and would literally put your life on the line for them. It was a very turbulent, complicated relationship.
If you were lucky enough to grow up with a sister, you should be able to relate to a LOT of these strange and hilarious examples of sibling life…
1) If you ever had to a share a bed, you’d consider it entirely justifiable to hit your sister as hard as you could if 1mm of her body touched your side.

2) You refused to shower until the second your sister wanted to shower, and then you’d race her to the bathroom and tackle her to the floor.

Nothing made you spring out of bed faster than the motivation to stop your sister doing something before you.
3) You’d sprint to the car and shout ‘SHOTGUN’ for the front seat and would sh*t would absolutely hit the fan if she didn’t follow the ‘shotgun’ rules accordingly

4) If she sat in the seat anyway, you’d sit on her until she agreed to move

“I can wait all day…”
5) If you ever had to share sweets, you’d meticulously count every single one to make sure you had the exact same amount

The thought of having one less sweet set your nerves on edge and made you want to scream
6) Similarly, if you had to cut something in half to share it you’d check it from all angles before taking the ‘biggest’ piece

Hmm, this side looks slightly longer, but this side has more sprinkles…
7) If your sister is younger than you, you’d cover her eyes whenever anyone on television passionately kissed

God forbid she ever see that…
8) It would be the ultimate betrayal if you were saving something to eat in the fridge and your sister would eat it

“You’re dead to me”
9) You’d point to any vaguely ugly person on TV and say ‘that’s you’ every time without fail

“Gollum is you”
10) You’d also constantly point at random old men in the street and say “your boyfriend’s over there”

11) You’d also borrow each others stuff and make absolutely no effort to be subtle about it
“You’re a thief, get home now. I’m going to throw all of your clothes out of the window”
12) You’d make your teddies chat

They now get to have a little reunion sleepover every time you both go home to visit your parents.
13) You’ve eaten food you didn’t want to eat, solely because your sister wanted it.

14) Pretended to reach out for a hug and then secretly rugby-tackled her to the ground.

The oldest trick in the book…
15) Watched movies in sync on long-haul flights, even though you were looking at two separate screens

“Okay press play after 3. 1, 2, 3….”
16) Tried to get into her bedroom when she didn’t want you to, and then lent your entire body weight on her door until she gave in.

And she’d be stacking up furniture behind the door to try and block herself in.
17) Cast yourselves in every TV show/ girl band you have ever watched together.

You’d be furious if she said she was Beyonce and you were Michelle.
18) You’d go to extreme lengths to make sure she couldn’t change the channel
Sometimes you’d even run upstairs with the remote.
19) You can tell who’s hair belongs to who without even touching it

And immediately you’d know who was about to get screamed at for not cleaning out the drain.
20) They’d ask for toilet roll and you’d pass them one single square

And then chuckle to yourself about it for a solid five minutes before passing her the roll
21) You blatantly copied each other’s outfits (and sometimes life choices) but will deny until the day you die that you were copying.

Little sisters always copy big sisters. Fact.
22) You’d get your littlest sister to do/say things to embarrass them in front of their new boyfriend

“Go outside her door and shout ‘OH MY GOD YOU COULD’VE FLUSHED THE CHAIN’, go on”.
23) Also, if you grew up in the 90s or before, you could pick up the upstairs house phone and listen in on their phone conversations downstairs and make random noises to make them look weird

24) This…

The deceit…
25) You’d sometimes overreact when having a fight and point out their biggest insecurity and then feel like the worst person in the entire world.

The silent treatment was the WORST.
24) Although you’d tease each other constantly, if anybody else tried to hurt them- you’d want to destroy their life.

It was ok for you two to call each other names and fight, but if any body else upset her, you would suddenly become the most protective, psycho b*tch ever.
25) And despite all the arguing and plotting, you love each other with all your heart

Sisters are the best.