20 Gravestones That Show Death Doesn’t Have To Be All Doom And Gloom
When the time comes, there’s not a lot you can really do about it.
Death is a natural part of life, a path we must all take. Some of us see it coming and others do not, either way… it’s going to happen. Which, is a pretty somber thought.

Well, you can spend all day trying to sound philosophical about going over to the ‘other side’ and wondering what you’ll see when you get there. But for those of us left behind, it can be a pretty somber affair. I mean, no one wants to lose a loved one!
Normally, if you’re fortunate (and organized) enough to prepare your own gravestone before you pass, you’d make sure to leave a message that’ll leave a loving memory for others to remember you fondly by, for generations to come.

These people, however, have used their impending end as an opportunity to have one last laugh or to share one last thought. Something they might not have felt comfortable saying to people whilst in the realm of the living. They do say words live on forever after all…
Check out these hilarious headstones and see if you’d ever have anything similar on yours!
1. At least he enjoyed himself
You can’t take money to the beyond anyway…