18 Things That Annoy The Hell Out Of You When Single
It’s not that we’re bitter. It’s just that you’re annoying AF.
It’s not like we’re painfully jealous and cold-hearted and the sight of anything remotely loving makes us want to throw up in our mouths- but if we’re sitting on a sweaty, crowded train for 40 minutes, we’d like to do so without the sound of two sixteen-year-olds eating each others face off. It seems like a bizarre concept to many people, but there’s some of us out there who are quite happy being single. I know, CRAZY RIGHT?
We know that being in a long-term relationship has it’s advantages- for example sitting in together eating pizza in your sweats and not caring about looking like a train wreck is something that we all want. However, it also has it’s disadvantages- like making your friends want to punch you in the face.
1) PDA (Public displays of affection)

Ok, so we’ve sort of covered this above- but we need to go into more depth about how unbelievably irritating it is. I know you love sticking your tongues down each others throat but would you please do this at home and not in front of a bunch of uncomfortable, confused looking pensioners at the bus stop. Thanks.