15 Things That Happen When You Reach Your 40s

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You’re only as old as you feel you are. This is true. However, there are some things which happen when you turn 40 which are completely out of your control- no matter how hard you try to stay young and spritely. It only feels like yesterday when you were running around as a carefree 20 something year old with your whole life ahead of you, but before you know it BAM! You’re 40 and everyone thinks you’re a fossil.

Kids especially seem to think you’re absolutely ancient. I asked my 7 year old niece what she thought somebody in their 40s was like recently and she replied with the following;

  • “You walk with a stick”
  • “You are grey and wrinkly”
  • “You know you’re going to die soon”

Pretty dire predictions right? I could’ve easily took this to heart but she also thinks the price of a house is $4 so what the hell does she know.

Anyway, for all you 40 something’s out there, you’ll know what I mean when I say that there’s still life in the old dog yet- we’re just slightly more delicate and would pick an afternoon tea over a wild night out in a nightclub any day.

1) You make an ‘ooof’ noise every time you get up.

You’d hear older people make this sound when you were younger and think ‘is it really necessary for them to make that ridiculous straining noise every time they leave the sofa?’. Well yes, actually it is.