13 Details From Disney Movies That Are Frustratingly Questionable To Adults
The Older You Get, The More Questionable Some Details Become…

… and the more it frustrates you! Disney is a phenomenon that appeals to pretty much everyone. Since 1923, Disney has been bringing pleasure to generations of story lovers. We have no doubt that it is a remarkable conglomerate that will live on for a very long time.
That being said, occasionally we have to take a step back from it all and say ‘huh?’ This tends to happen when we return to Disney as adults. As grown ups, we’re sticklers for finer details. Perhaps you’re watching with your child now, perhaps a friend or maybe you’re just revisiting that nostalgic movie! But now that you’re grown, some factors start to stick out like sore thumbs…
1. Cinderella’s Glass Slipper Only Fits Her And Prince Charming Doesn’t Recognise Her?

I know it’s a magical slipper made specifically for Cinderella, but did anyone else think to themselves ‘why is she the only person in the kingdom that has that shoe size?!’ And the prince has literally seen her face and heard her voice, but he decides to not focus on this. Well, if the shoe fits…
2. And On That Note, Why Does The Slipper Stick Around After Midnight?

Everything from Cindy’s Fairy Godmother’s magic disappears after midnight, but not the slipper? Please elaborate, Walt…
3. In The Little Mermaid, Why Didn’t Ariel Try Writing Things Down To Communicate With Eric?

So Ariel gave up the ability to speak, we know she can write because we see her jot down her name on the contract, so why didn’t she try communicating with Eric by writing a note?!
4. In Beauty and the Beast, We See A Portrait Of Adam As A Man. How Does This Painting Exist?!

He was cursed at the age of eleven, and on this portrait he looks at least 18. It doesn’t make sense!
5. In Monsters, Inc., Mike Says Sulley Has Been Jealous Of Him Since Fourth Grade. How Could This Be As Monsters University Revealed They Didn’t Meet Until College?

Get your facts straight, Disney!
6. In Sleeping Beauty, Why Doesn’t Maleficent Send Diablo To Find Aurora The First Time?

She sends the henchmen (not the sharpest tools in the shed) for 16 years, so then she sends Diablo the raven who finds her pretty much straight away. Why did she waste so much time on the henchmen?!
7. So in Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear Doesn’t Think He’s A Toy…So Why Does He Freeze Like The Other Toys When Andy Comes In The Room?

I’ve always wondered why he does that! Watch the loopholes, Disney.
8. In Aladdin, No One Seems To Recognise Princess Jasmine, Just Because She Puts A Cloak Over Her Head?

It’s like the Clark Kent/Hannah Montana logic. Put on some glasses or a wig and no one has a clue who you are!
9. Talking Of Aladdin, Why Doesn’t Jafar Just Use His Staff To Get What He Wants From The Start?

He uses it to manipulate the Sultan, so why doesn’t he do the same for Aladdin and Jasmine?
10. In Mulan, How On Earth Does No One Realise That Mulan Is Female?

Her voice isn’t deep, her features are feminine but no one even has a doubt in their mind?
11. Speaking Of Mulan, How Does Her Makeup Come Off So Easily?

In one clean swipe like that?! Girls everywhere are shaking their heads right now. If only Mulan knew what we go through…
12. In Frozen, Did Anyone Else Wonder What Elsa Plans To Sleep On In Her Ice Castle?

Of course, being a huge fan of bed, it’s the first thing that entered my mind. What’s her plan of a night, an ice bed doesn’t sound too comfortable.
13. Does Anyone Ever Wonder What Scar’s Name Was Before He Got His Scar?!

It’s a mystery I really want to get to the bottom of!