12 Times People Got The Perfect Revenge In The Pettiest Way Possible
I have been known from time to time to be a bit of a bitter old grump…
So, it doesn’t take much to wind me up some days… but sometimes it’s more than just that, sometimes people are just plain ignorant!
When that happens it can be very tempting to teach them a lesson, especially if it’s in the form of cold-blooded revenge.
And that’s exactly what these people did. They had clearly decided that enough was enough and it was time to get their own back. What’s hilarious is they’ve done it in the pettiest ways they could think of and the results are brilliantly evil.

Take a look at this list of people exacting their revenge on strangers that have wronged them in small, but incredibly annoying ways and tell me you wouldn’t be tempted to do the same!
1. When you just can’t get the waiter’s attention
They’ll definitely remember to be a bit more attentive to their customers next time. I just hope they were genuinely being ignored, otherwise, this is cruel punishment for someone rushed off their feet! … funny though all the same.

2. When people can’t be bothered parking properly
There’s a place reserved in hell for people that either can’t be bothered to park and won’t learn or people that are just far too ignorant to care. This person got their revenge on someone who atrociously parked slap-bang in the middle of two spaces. How? Just tie-wrap a trolly to the door handle. Perfectly petty.

Alternatively, you could be even more creative… if you so happen to carry chalk around with you.

3. sibling rivalry
This has got to be the definition of pettiness. It must have taken him a while to go about organizing and do you know what? I think it was worth every second of his time. Ah, brotherly love…

4. Seems fair
“An eye for an eye” and all that. This kid will go far in life… if that life involves getting his own back on people. Where were his parents when he decided to ‘unload’ anyway?

5. Karma’s a dish best served terrifying
Humans aren’t the only ones getting a little revenge from time to time. This cat immediately regrets its decision to eye up the defenseless fish carelessly left within its grasp.

6. Lesson: don’t annoy the trash men
There was always going to be more than one example of bad parking in this list. I mean there’s just so many people that seem incapable of doing it properly out there. These guys got their revenge though. Plus it was nice they didn’t go overboard by trashing the car, instead, they just gave the driver a little nudge in the direction of being more considerate…

7. Bit of a waste
They must have really driven her up the wall squabbling for her to do this. It’s fantastically evil and might teach whoever it is that was going to receive the money to think about what’s really important in life.

8. Ouch
To be fair, I can see a lot of people going a lot further than this in that situation. Hopefully, this is just the tip of the iceberg because Patrick, you’re a bleep!

9. Time (and snow) on your hands
Why tell someone how you feel about them when you can create a snow masterpiece to show them instead? Hats off to the person that took the time out of their day to construct this, just to show you think someone’s, well, you know the word.

10. When your neighbors dog won’t shut up
Dogs are brilliant in so many ways, unfortunately, one way they aren’t is their unwavering persistence to bark continuously for hours on end at the slightest thing. Usually, though it’s because the owner leaves them unattended, so really this is completely justified… right?

11. When you just can’t be bothered with people’s ways anymore
I feel a fight coming on. I wonder if they actually lived at 301? If I pulled this stunt I’d definitely go into hiding. Not that I’m a coward or anything…

12. Customers can be the worst
If you work in the food industry and someone’s rude to you, this is a neat idea. Alternatively, if you prepare in advance, you can give these to anyone you don’t like in the comfort of your own home. Ah, pettiness at its finest.

Then when you feel like being a little bit ‘extra’
Public humiliation at its finest.

I think it’s fair to say that in most cases these people got what they deserved. It’s hardly like they had their lives ruined, but they were definitely taught a lesson nonetheless. I wish I could be this imaginative when trying to take revenge on my wife for nagging me daily for the past 20 freakin’ years! Let me know if you’ve ever been petty getting revenge on someone in the comments!