11 Of The World’s Most Bizarre Beauty Hacks Which Actually Work!
A step too far or a stroke of genius? We’ll leave that up to you to decide…
The make-up industry has blown up like never before in recent years and there’s always something new on the market which is making beauty bloggers lose their minds with excitement.
However, no matter what our favorite beauty brands are offering, there’s always the experimental people of the world that refuse to spend $45 on a single make-up brush and will try anything to save a few bucks.
Enjoy reading through these bizarre beauty hacks and DO try these at home (trust me, you don’t want to be doing any of these on your train ride to work)…
1) Heating Up Your Eyeliner

Rumour has it that heating up your eyeliner magically turns it into a silk-like liquid liner which glides across your lids. Just be careful that you don’t set the whole thing on fire. Also, you may want to wait a few seconds before applying- otherwise you could end up with some very awkardly placed burns.
2) Washing your hair with beer

As if beer wasn’t magical enough- apparently rinsing your hair with it can help to repair split ends and leaves your locks shiny and soft! We didn’t really need another reason to stock up on beer this weekend- but now we have the perfect justification! We’ll just have to remember to keep at least one aside for the shower!
3) Whiten your teeth with a banana peel

Want pearly whites but don’t want to spend the money on expensive strips? Rub the white side of a banana peel on your teeth once a day for a week and get that glowing Hollywood smile that you’ve always dreamed of! Maybe lock the bathroom door- it’s not the most attractive of beauty rituals.
4) Lighten dark armpits with a potato

Want to get ready for strappy dress season? Simply shred up a potato and rub the pieces on your skin and your pits will magically lighten up. You may want to do this alone though- it’s not the most glamorous of activities. Also- make sure you spray deodrant after- no one wants potato scented armpits.
5) Put toothpaste on your nails to remove yellowish stains and to brighten

Get your nails catwalk ready in an instant with this bizarre tip. We’ve tried it- it really does work! Apply a thin layer of toothpaste to each nail and wait 10 minutes before washing it off. It works so well because toothpaste includes peroxide, a bleaching element. Who would’ve thought it?!
6) Apply your foundation with a tampon

Ok, this one is SO weird. There’s no denying it works, but surely you could just use something else made of cotton, like I don’t know- A COTTON PAD?! Also, tampons are freakin’ expensive! There’s now way we’re wasting a good tampon by rubbing it on our face. We’ll pass.
7) Similarly, you can also use a chicken fillet

Don’t get too creeped out- we’re talking the silicone types from your bra. They’re completely non absorbent and are about 1000x less annoying to wash than a beauty blender! This is a bizarre concept- but they really are AMAZING at applying foundation! There’s nothing more annoying than waiting for your beauty blender/brush to dry after washing. This is genius.
8) Use red lipstick under your eyes to hide dark circles

This sounds ridiculous and you may be concerned that you’ll end up looking like a weird clown- but it actually works! It balances out the colour so when you apply concealer over the top it miraculously hides your hungover, panda eyes. Just make sure you’ve got a high coverage concealer over it and you can’t see the red color.
9) Put tea bags in your shoes and gym bag to get rid of unpleasant odors

These absorbent little babies will sort that awful stench out! We don’t know how this came about and how someone even discovered that this worked in the first place- but apparantly it works a treat. Let’s just accept that some things are best left unanswered and leave it at that.
10) Get fuller lashes with loose powder

Simply dip a clean mascara wand into some loose powder before applying your mascara and Voila- you have lashes that a Giraffe would envy! We haven’t personally tried this and cannot for the life of us work out how it would work without looking bizarre and clumpy- but beauty bloggers everywhere swear by it!
11) Put a condom over your beauty blender

Yes, it does work apparantly but we’re definitely passing on this one. We love anything weird and wonderful- but this pushing it even for us. We all know the smell of rubber lingers for far too long- we do not want it to be lingering on our face. Thank you very much.
We can’t help but wonder how these people found themselves in the situation where they tried these things out in the first place. Some of these are crazy AF! Would you be prepared to rub a chicken fillet on your face or wash your hair with beer in the name of beauty? Let us know in the comments and feel free to share this with friends.