10 Times Dads Proved Why They Should Have Their Own Place In The ‘Dad Hall Of Fame’
Being a parent isn’t easy!
When you’ve got kids, life can feel like it revolves around just getting to the end of the day without any major dramas. If you can do that, then you feel like the day itself was a success, a real achievement. Kids can be a right pain in the a*s after all!

Ultimately though, most moms and dads would do anything and everything for their kids. Especially if it means they get the best possible chance to succeed in life and be happy because you y’know… love them (yuck!).

We’ve all heard the saying “you live for your children”, well these dads took that statement literally and then some.
Take a look at these 10 examples of dads doing what they do best; being awesome… and sometimes freakin’ hilarious too!
Give these men a medal!
1. “soo cute!!”
Sometimes as a parent, you’ve got to teach some tough lessons. But, words don’t always do the trick. Every now and then you’ve just got to lead by example. I bet this little girl will think twice before trying to wear something so revealing again…