10 Of The Sexiest Bathrooms In The World… Which Would You Choose?
10. Dedon Island, the Philippines

Heaven is a place on earth, and it’s Dedon island. “Dedon Island is a living testament to the company’s mantra of “barefoot luxury.”The guest baths feature locally sourced bamboo and yakal wood, indigenous stone, a rain shower cleverly concealed in the ceiling, and, of course, Dedon’s Babylon stools.” This one’s on the cheaper (still not cheap) side of these bathrooms from $552 per person per night.
Well, Acidheads, what did you make of these incredible bathrooms? Would you visit any? What’s your favourite? I hope that we could at least help you feel inspired! And next time you’re in the shower, close your eyes and just envision your in one of these paradises. Sound good? Don’t forget to like our post on Facebook and share it with family and friends. We’d love to know what you think so feel free to comment on the post!