10 Of The Sexiest Bathrooms In The World… Which Would You Choose?
Prepare for some Architectural Digest stuff right here…

Okay Acidheads, we’re turning into interior design experts for the day. Our speciality? Bathrooms. We don’t all have the dollar to have fancy a** bathrooms with a romantic view of the sea, marble everything, heated floors, a huge bath that fits two comfortably and Egyptian cotton towels. No, most of us settle for running water, a shower head over the bathtub and a view of our backyard. But we can dream, right?
So these bathrooms take fancy to the next level and as a result, we can’t stop staring at how sexy they are. And what’s the good news? YOU could potentially stay in the hotels that have these bathrooms. But I’d suggest you start saving now…
1. Osprey Pavilion, Southern Ocean Lodge, Kangaroo Island, Australia

Views for days. Extensive views of greenery across a stunning island in the Great Australian Bight, this bathroom features a enormous granite tub and heated limestone floors. It’s available from $1,524 per person/night (includes all meals and a selection of excursions).