The Life Of Dolly Parton, The Queen Of Country Music

Dolly Parton Prepared For Her Role In The Most “Dolly” Way


20th Century-Fox/Getty Images

Keep in mind, 9 to 5 was Dolly Parton’s first experience with Hollywood, so she had no real prior acting experience. But Dolly Parton didn’t let her inexperience prevent her from giving the role her all!

Dolly Parton, as you’ve already learned, is an ambitious woman and career-minded, that’s why she took to memorizing the whole entire script to prepare for her role! She told Rolling Stone, “It was so funny, ’cause I didn’t know exactly what the movies were all about; I just knew that I would do it as good as anybody else. I just assumed they would start in the front and follow the story to keep up the excitement, so I memorized the whole script.”