Haunting Photos Of Celebrities Who Had Open Casket Funerals

Bruce Lee


In life, Bruce Lee was a larger-than-life figure – an actor, husband, father, and the master and founder of Jeet Kune Do. To many of his fans, he seemed invincible. To many of his modern fans, his on-screen vibrancy makes it seem as though he still lives. Lee was extremely dedicated to being physically fit, which is why his death in 1973 at the young age of 32 came as an absolute shock. He apparently suffered from cerebral edema, or swelling of the brain, after having an allergic reaction a painkiller he took for a headache. There is still some dispute about whether the swelling occurred before or after he took the medication. Because of the strange and tragic manner of his death, there have been countless conspiracy theories surrounding the event, including that he may have been poisoned.