22 Creepy Predictions From ‘The Simpsons’ That Actually Came True!
We all know them, we all love them and at one point in our lives, we’ve definitely all related to them. But is there more to America’s favorite family than meets the eye? The Simpsons have been on our screens for almost 30 years now and in that time they’ve gotten themselves mixed up in some pretty crazy situations, but maybe we should be paying closer attention to what the writers are trying to tell us. If you don’t believe in psychics now, you will after reading this article!
1. In 1998, they predicted that Fox would be taken over by Disney.
The most recent prediction to come true happened during Season 10 in an episode entitled “When You Dish Upon a Star”. We are shown a billboard featuring the “20th Century Fox” logo with “A Division of Walt Disney Co.” written beneath it. The Disney-Fox merger prediction came true on December 14th, 2017 when it was announced that Disney was acquiring a major portion of 21st Century Fox in a game-changing deal valued at $66.1 billion.